After two years of planning FIODRA was launched in July and is currently on the Kennet and Avon Canal. My long held dream of combining a canal life with my mindfulness teaching is close to realisation.
I have always felt that the peace and pace of canal dwelling goes hand-in-hand with mindfulness. The slow pace and unpredictability of life and travel on the canals seems to nurture a more accepting frame of mind. If you fight the canals and try and stick to timescales .. suffering is not far behind.
Fiodra has been built as a permanent home and a space for holding activities, including Mindfulness Meditation practice and teaching. After finalising all of the regulations needed to trade and have people safely on the boat, I will shortly be starting to offer activities. My hope is that other teachers will join me on the the way bringing their own teachings and their groups.
Fiodra provides a unique atmosphere. Close to water and nature it is an intimate space. Somewhere you can deepen connections with yourself and the environment.
To know more see my beta website:
All the best